Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mark Driscoll on Preaching Scripture

"I believe preaching through books of the Bible is beneficial for a number of reasons. First, it is important for Christians to learn all of Scripture and not just topics. Second, its is important for Christians to learn how to study a book of the Bible and how God inspired it to be organized and interconnected. Third, with so many new believers and non-Christians visiting Mars Hill, it is important that we teach in a way that allows them to follow along without getting lost as they try to jump around in the Bibles. Foruth, because all Scripture is God-breathed and for our benefit, there is not a page of Scripture that is not helpful to our faith, so we should examine it all. Fifth, going through books of the Bible forces us to examine a tough and controversial issues that we may otherwise ignore. Sixth, because our people easily connect with narrative teaching styles, a biblical and narrative teaching of the Bible most easily connects with their learning style as long as the Bible is presented as one universal story with Jesus as the hero."

Confessinos of a Reformission Rev., p 95.

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